Celebrating my baby boy turning two

branding shoots in my garden lifestyle studio

my mini branding shoots from last year 

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Photographer and personal brand strategist. I'm on a mission to help you get visible in your business with genuine confidence. 

Meet Vicki

People say blink and you’ll miss your kids growing up as it happens so fast, but I really can’t believe how quickly it’s going. Was it really 2 years ago that S entered the world, and then when he turned 1 and started walking. And now he’s a fully-fledged toddler and about to start nursery in September (sob!) 

I thought hard about the shoot I wanted to do to celebrate his 2nd birthday. So many people have commented about how expressive his face his; one of my friends is certain he’s going to be the next Jack Black! He doesn’t say much yet, but he certainly makes up for that in his variety of facial expressions. So I wanted to do a shoot which really showed these off. And then I was thinking about when I have my most special time with him, and it’s always after bathtime…when I wrap him in a big towel and cuddle him and sing to him (badly!) 

So it made total sense to do his birthday shoot in the bath. We did it when H was at pre-school so he got to have a special bath during the day (and got all of the bath toys to himself for once!) The other benefit of doing the shoot in the bath was that he couldn’t run away from me!

So, here is my gorgeous baby boy and his fantastic facial expressions….

S is very…how shall I say it…spirited. Let’s just say our house is tantrum central at the moment! H never really threw huge wobblies so peeling a screaming toddler off a supermarket floor is all new territory for me. But S makes up for all the tantrums by being the funniest, cheekiest and cutest little thing…he regularly has us in hysterics with his antics. I definitely think it will be him leading H into mischief in the future rather than vice versa!

Here are some more shots from his bath session…I’m totally indulging myself by showing so many photos. But hopefully you don’t mind?! 
I am so in love with these photos of my little boy that I want to put them in a massive frame on the wall…but we are nearly out of wall space! Is that a good enough reason to move do you think?! 😉

I spend most of my time chasing S around for kisses and cuddles while he runs away from me (luckily H is always happy to oblige!) If I wore red lipstick he would walk around looking like this most of the time…

Happy 2nd birthday to our gorgeous baby boy, we love you more than you could ever know. xxx

PS. For any photographers that are interested, these were all taken on my new Canon 5D Mark ii with my 50mm 1.4 lens.