You have big plans for your business but the lack of clarity and focus has left you floundering and procrastinating about getting visible. 

With this comprehensive 121 programme, you'll get dazzling clarity on what makes you special and feel excited to show up as unapologetically you in your business.  

  Craft your personal brand from
the inside out 

personal Brand
   clarity VIP PACKAGE   

Let me take you by the hand and help you!

This package includes my dynamic 'Uncover your Magic' course and a powerful 1-2-1 session with me to get tailored expert advice. 

You'll delve into the course content at your own pace, then receive personalised advice me in a powerful 60 minute session. 

Through the blend of your own reflective work and my thought-provoking coaching questions and expert advice,  you'll walk away with a crafted personal brand strategy that will mean you can infuse the magic of you into everything you do.  

you're just not sure how to communicate who you are & how you help your clients

You know you're meant to have a personal brand, but you're struggling to know where to start with it 

Grow your audience & effortlessly attract your soulmate clients all without selling your soul or losing your integrity 

Feel excited about marketing your business and getting your message out to more people 

Consistently show up online without draining your energy (and time) 

Stand out in the crowded online world - people buy people (a bit of a cliché I know, but so true) 

Clarity on your personal brand can help you...

As Jeff Bezos famously once said, 'Your personal brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room'. 

I know that sounds slightly terrifying, but the great thing about developing your personal brand is that you get to influence what people are saying about you! 

You can put out the parts of your personality that you are comfortable sharing with the world. This isn't about sharing your dirty laundry or trying to be an influencer, this is about showing up authentically as you and as a result, attracting more of your dream clients. 

your potential clients need to know, like & trust you 

A magnetic personal brand can change everything for you 

You'll feel excited about authentically sharing your thoughts, values, ideas and vision with your audience and as a result, you'll stand out in the crowded online world. 

With my help, you'll be crystal clear on your personal brand and confidently use this to attract your dream clients 

When I discovered that personal branding isn't about creating a facade or showing off - that it's about uncovering who you really are and infusing that magic into everything you do - it changed everything for me.

Being authentic in my marketing and my business has meant that I've been booked up with amazing clients for well over a decade (and many of those clients have stayed with me for years even when I've pivoted and my offerings have changed.)

It's made everything feel easier and more joyful in my business - now I'm sharing my framework with you so you can discover how to bring more of you to your work. 

You won't hear me promising you a multi 6-figure income or overnight fame - because to me, living with purpose, making a positive impact in the world and working with amazing clients is far more important than scaling to millions or going viral. 

I've trained and mentored hundreds of business owners and helped them to craft personal brands that attract their dream clients and to run thriving businesses that they love. With no scammy tactics in sight! 

I'll help you to craft a magnetic personal brand

Hi, I''m Vicki 

I'm a qualified Positive Psychology Coach Practitioner, graduating a 2 year diploma with Distinction in 2023. This course is rooted in the evidence-based principles of Positive Psychology - I will guide you through exercises and prompts to help you understand how to be your authentic self in your marketing. 

I'm a branding photographer and visibility strategist and have run my own thriving business for over 15 years. Prior to setting up my business, I had a 10 year career working in media. It's with this depth of experience that I've created this powerful 10 step framework to help you to craft your personal brand from the inside out and get the deep clarity you need to get visible with confidence.  

“Prior to the session, I was feeling confused and muddled on my messaging, knowing something wasn't right but not sure how to fix it. Vicki really helped me to get clarity about my brand statement and values and then we looked at how I can infuse my content with this going forward as well as changes to make to my website so it aligns more closely with my values. 

Vicki picked out gold from my throwaway comments and I now feel more confident around my communication and strategy going forward. Vicki is a joy to work with, so friendly, immediately able to put you at ease, very insightful and I really appreciated all the wisdom she shared with me."

Alyssa Richmond, Intuitive Life Coach 

"This Brand Clarity session was worth so much more than the investment I paid "

What's the investment?

well, this sounds great.

If you are looking for longer term support then check out my 3 month 121 programme, Confidently Visible

Get a 10% discount off my Visibility Audit after booking this package



+ Access to my proven online course 'Uncover your Magic' (worth £175). You will follow my 10 step framework and craft your personal brand from the inside out in just 10 days. 

+ A powerful 60 minute Zoom session with Vicki with her bespoke advice on your newly crafted personal brand and how to integrate this into your business 

+ Access to Vicki via email for 1 week after our call for any questions or thoughts you have 

what's included: 

"I contacted Vicki for a mentoring session, as I felt I needed to change certain aspects of my business in order to move things forward. I thought Vicki would be the perfect person to help with this.

I wasn’t disappointed. We covered everything I needed to in the session (and more!) and I left with a solid strategy to work on for the year ahead. Vicki was so lovely to work with and very generous in the amount of knowledge she shared."
- Felicity L

"Can't recommend highly enough"

This Brand Clarity session helped me to understand who my ideal clients are and most importantly, how my brand needs to look and sound to attract those clients. 

For me as a new business owner, this brand coaching session along with a mini branding shoot with Vicki were a godsend. 

- Yvonne Lecocq 

"This session really helped me to understand my brand"

  • You run a service-based business where you are the face of your business....this could be anything from a coach, photographer, florist, personal trainer, nutritionist and more. 

  • You know you need to build your personal brand to stand out and to grow your business but you just don't know how.

  • You have so much in your head that you're finding it difficult to unscramble everything and see a clear path.

  • You feel exhausted by trying to market your business without having clarity and you feel uncomfortable putting yourself out there.

We're a great match if...


Book here  

Simply fill in the form below, and then I'll send you a link to book - you'll get instant access to the online course and we'll get a
date booked for our session 

I'm so happy that you're keen to work with me. 

I'll respond to your enquiry within 2 days. If you haven't heard from me, please check your junk folder as sometimes my emails need rescuing!


Thank you!


Great, I have answers! 

have a question?

Ideally it would take place soon after you have finished working your way through the course. I suggest working through the course over a 10 day period. I will send you my availability once you've completed the form. 

when can we have the call?

Simply fill in the form above and I will send you all of the a booking link which will give you instant access to the online course and we'll get the date booked in for our 1-2-1 session. 

how do I book?

We won't have time to create a full marketing plan within the call, but I will give my thoughts and advice about how you can infuse your magic into your marketing and your content.  If you are looking for more support to help you feel confident about getting visible and having a content and marketing plan that feels easy and authentic, then check out my 3 month 121 programme, Confidently Visible

will we be creating my marketing plan during this call?

The course is short and dynamic and I would highly recommend you taking it to get the deep clarity you need on your values, strengths, personality and lots more. 

There are 11 lessons in the course, all under 15 minutes, so it won't take you long to complete. There is a comprehensive workbook for you to complete. You will send me your workbook and personal brand pyramid before our session and I will give my thoughts and suggestions on integrating your magic into your business and marketing during our call. 

can I have the 1-2-1 session without doing the course?

I'm in

Are you ready to find your magic and build a magnetic personal brand?    

— Naomi M

"I could not have asked for a better mentor. Vicki is incredibly friendly, knowledgeable and genuinely wants to help.

Her experience shines through when giving advice. I am so thankful for all the words of wisdom and giving me the confidence to grow a business that I am truly proud of. A very worthy investment … thank you Vicki."