Two inspiring mums in business

branding shoots in my garden lifestyle studio

my mini branding shoots from last year 

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Photographer and personal brand strategist. I'm on a mission to help you get visible in your business with genuine confidence. 

Meet Vicki

Since I set up my business 5 years ago, I have always loved speaking to other mums in business. I enjoy getting tips from them about how they juggle everything and I love comparing stories about having to work into the early hours and having to send sneaky work emails in the cinema with the kids!

I met Kelly a few years ago at a business mums networking event in Wimbledon. She’s one of those people you don’t forget in a hurry…smiley, vivavious and a real yummy mummy to boot (I’m trying hard not to be too envious!) We kept in contact over email and then she contacted me a few months ago asking if she could book me to take headshots of her and her friend Suzie for their new business venture. I really wanted to do the shoot but I initially had to turn it down as I just didn’t have the space in my diary (or the childcare available). But Kelly came up with a great solution which was for me to bring my 3 year old  along to the shoot (which took place at Suzie’s home) and her 14 year old son would look after him while I was shooting. It worked perfectly and my son loved ‘coming to Mummy’s work’ for a few hours and had a ball with his new ‘big boy’ buddy!

Kelly and Suzie’s brand new website went live today and I love it. It’s called Project Me for Busy Mothers and it’s all about reclaiming the balance in your lives. Something us busy mums all need more of! There are some great blog posts and the life wheel tool that you get when you sign up to their email newsletter is really useful. Kelly & Suzie were both a joy to photograph and we had a great time on the shoot…I think you’ll agree that it shows in the photos!

We also took some photos indoors to show that it’s more fun going through the life wheel tool with a friend over a cuppa (or something stronger!)

While Kelly’s eldest son was keeping my little one entertained, her youngest was taking some behind the scenes photos of us with his iPhone. I always love seeing other photographers’ behind the scenes photos so I thought I would share a couple of them with you! Hopefully if my boys come on my shoots when they are older they can hold my reflector for me!

It was my little boy’s first day at pre-school this morning (sob!) so I had a productive morning being videoed for my new free training where I will be sharing lots of great photography tips for busy parents. It’s totally out of my comfort zone talking at a camera, but I always think it’s good to challenge yourself!

To be sure you don’t miss out on the free video training, fill in your details below to join my VIP list. You will then be sent the video within the next month, and once a month you’ll receive great photography tips for parents direct to your inbox.

PS. The reason I ask if you are a professional photographer is because I may send emails in the future specifically designed for pros, so then I can ensure that you receive them!