Photo shoot with my sister in the woods

branding shoots in my garden lifestyle studio

my mini branding shoots from last year 

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Photographer and personal brand strategist. I'm on a mission to help you get visible in your business with genuine confidence. 

Meet Vicki

This year, when I asked my brother-in-law what my sister would like for her birthday, I was delighted when he said she would love to have a photo shoot with me, like the headshot sessions she had seen with other ladies here on my blog. And of course I was more than happy to oblige!

So off to the woods we went and lots of giggling and hair flicking ensued! We were so lucky with the weather as it had been dull and gloomy all day and the sun literally put his hat on for about half an hour in the early evening for when we had planned the shoot. Thank you Mr Sun. Here is the result of our fun photo shoot….

I was so pleased that Rachel was delighted with the results of our session. Happy belated birthday sis! xx