magnetic branding photography

helping you to get more visible in your business and attract your dream clients 

Vicki Knights Blog

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I hope you’re having a good week. I have had my head down finishing off all of the content for my upcoming online course ‘How to photograph your family’ and making sure that all of the technical parts of it are working. It’s all been such a huge learning curve, and although I have at […]

Autumn mini session in Surrey – Part Two

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I still have a LOT of shoots to share with you from last year. I don’t think I’ve ever been this behind on my blogging…that’s what moving house, a busy autumn shooting schedule and getting a new puppy can do to your to-do list! As this is the first session I have shared in 2015, […]

Family photo shoot in the Haslemere / Farnham area


I’m now back from my trip to Utah feeling inspired (and a little jet-lagged!). Take a look at my review of the Clickaway convention here on my workshop blog. I thought I would share a few of the family photos I took on one of the workshops. These children were amazing, they weren’t phased at […]

Photos from my trip to the Clickaway convention in Salt Lake City


You may remember a while ago I posted some photos of a new product I was offering, the stunning Folio albums. They have been proving popular with my clients and I’ve been over the moon with the quality of each album. This lovely family that I photographed in Esher Woods back in March, ordered a […]

A dad is someone who  wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up,  brushes you off,  and lets you try again.  A dad is someone who wants to keep you from making mistakes but instead lets you find your own way, even though his heart breaks in silence  when you get […]

What is a Dad?


In March, the author had an amazing photo session with a lovely family whose baby, Sam, was 10 months old at the time. This age was perfect for the photo shoot as Sam was very expressive yet still looked adorable and baby-like. The family had a beautiful loft room in their home that provided excellent […]

A lovely photo shoot with baby Sam in Weybridge



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