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Hey there old friend, I know it’s been a while. I really have no idea how I used to find time to blog 3 times a week, every single week. I guess that was before the days of Instagram where it’s just so much quicker to post a few more photos on there! So how […]
I hope you had a wonderful Easter break. I definitely over-did it with the chocolate and I think we still have about 5 eggs in the house which isn’t good when I get a chocolate craving with a coffee! I’m so pleased it’s warming up for the summer now and there is some lovely colour […]
I hope your January is going well. It’s been freezing here so I’ve been catching up on all of those jobs that I struggle to get done in my busy shooting months, like blogging! This session took place in October in the family’s home and garden. I’d photographed this family a few years ago so it was […]
People say blink and you’ll miss your kids growing up as it happens so fast, but I really can’t believe how quickly it’s going. Was it really 2 years ago that S entered the world, and then when he turned 1 and started walking. And now he’s a fully-fledged toddler and about to start nursery […]
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